The International Association of Military Women of Color is an organization whose primary focus is the quality of life for the underserved and unrecognized female veterans, regardless of color, ethnic group or gender preference. We realize that women in the military sometimes have different experiences than our male counterparts. It is important to us that all women have an opportunity to experience a great quality of life, as our male counterparts enjoy. It is important to our organization to ensure health treatment disparities are eliminated and replaced through better healthcare, to include an understanding of women and their health issues that are more specific for women of color. We are concerned about the research and how it is captured when it comes to women, especially women of color. This is the reason that we have partnered with Duke University, to be able to participate and provide input into the health disparities concerning women and the treatment process provided by the Veterans’ Administration and our military installations. While color is not the driving focus, we are truly concerned about all women; with the focus on women of color. On most occasions, women of color experience more challenges in receiving the health support needed. Generally, women of color are classified in the batch “women.” All women do not have the same experiences. Has it ever been heard, a Caucasian having “Sickle Cell?” This is just a small example of what we are about.
We also partners with the Fraternal Order of Eagles who is leading the way in diabetic research and thankfully, the leader of that department is an African American and is all inclusive. We would like to be able to include all women and carry this organization forward so that we can be a powerful voice for women and those who fit this category.
Women of color have a different Herstory than other women; we are so under recognized!! We have made so many unrecognized contributions to our Nation’s Defense posture, and it is seldom in the forefront of events. It is a culture where men are always recognized; sort of like “a woman’s place is in the kitchen.” We are out of the kitchen and doing great things that need to be recognized.